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EX715Ag. Old design, new achievements

The device which before was positioned as “amazing but not easy to love” (it caused two polar emotions — either loved or not) is now quietly and inconspicuously winning the hearts of users.

The upgrade included implementation of the latest developments which before were only used in professional models. New action technologies allow providing most beneficial effect on inner organs and nervous system. And well-known cosmetological and rejuvenation effect is now enhanced due to the use together with vaginal and rectal electrode probes.

What’s new:

  • Simplified operation
  • 3 most optimal action modes
  • New system of COSMODIC action with microresonances
  • New, easier to understand representation of the action on the screen
  • Enhanced construction durability

We all try to treat the disease... but we never fancy that there is another way of recovery — we can rejuvenate the body and ipso facto get rid of diseases. This is the main task which the new 715 model is performing.

Human brain has such midline structure as hypothalamus (a “director” of our hormonal system). It is hypothalamus which coordinates main types of metabolism in our body. When we get older hypothalamus gets less sensitive to various signals and actions of the body which leads to serious metabolic imbalance and causes a number of disorders of the aging body (cancer, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, low immunity, climacteric, obesity, osteoporosis, and others). In the new redesigned 715 model we implemented microresonances for the most important restorative structures of the body. We also did our best to adjust the parameters of the acting impulse with microresonances to maximum receptivity by hypothalamus.


April 8, 2013