Unlike its predecessor with 2 “balls”, this electrode is more mobile in use, as due to its construction, more movements of both the patient and electrode are allowed, in case of need. The electrode can be turned to different directions or moved within inside, to act on particular place or provide action on a larger area during a session. But this is not all…
Why making one more electrode when we already have one? Both electrodes are applied in the same place, but their purpose is different.
Two-sphere electrode is acting while forming vacuum cavity due to contraction of vaginal muscles. This allows the spheres to fit tightly to the vaginal walls. The effect of such action is most of all observed in treatment of diseases of genital organs and neighbouring organs, plus special antibacterial effect. Also improvement of vision was noticed.
Electrode with one “sphere” is more mobile, has bigger size and effect it produces is different — first of all, it balances hormonal state of a woman, which becomes obvious quite soon — by good-looking appearance and skin texture, psychological state and relaxation of the whole body. And this means — no headaches and other pains, no nervousness, anxiety and depression. All hormonal and age changes are balanced, immune system becomes stronger.

The device was positioned as “amazing but not easy to love” (it caused two polar emotions — either loved or not) and was known as “a device for women”.
By the end of 2012 we presented a new upgraded version.
The upgrade included implementation of the latest developments which before were only used in professional models. New action technologies allow providing most beneficial effect on inner organs and nervous system. And well-known rejuvenation effect is now enhanced due to the use of the device together with vaginal and rectal electrode probes.
We simplified operation, left only 3 most optimal action modes, implemented a new system of COSMODIC action with microresonances. Now the device has new and easier to understand representation of the action on the screen. Construction durability was also enhanced.
We all try to treat the disease... but we never fancy that there is another way of recovery — we can rejuvenate the body and ipso facto get rid of diseases. This is the main task which the new 715 model is performing.