Using reflex mechanisms for self-treatment is a very good idea. And it can be used for treatment of nearly all diseases. As any irritation is transmitted in our body in the form of nerve (electrical) impulses, it should be possible to make a universal “electrical” pill, why not? That is what Alexander Karasev was thinking about in 1972…
“No matter how good the device is. First of all SCENAR is an additional method of treatment. The patient comes to a doctor, to a person, not a machine. Now many doctors have no time to just talk to a patient, pay attention to him and his particular problems. For SCENAR-therapists such attitude is unacceptable…
Concentrating on the disease the patient is complaining of is wrong. People who know the abilities of SCENAR therapy can unwind the spiral of disease history and find out the original source of the problem which caused the present condition of the patient. Having found the cause of the present disease, your main task is to eliminate it. Most SCENAR-therapists can do this with the help of SCENAR, their knowledge and experience.”
Patient Age/Sex: 54/Female
Diagnosis: Lt. facial palsy for two days
Mode of Action: Scenar and Scenar-Cosmodic slider automatic
Energy level: Minimum to Medium, automatic
Total action time: 30 minutes
Area of action: Lt. face, Lt. neck, and Rt. foot area
Therapy outcome: Complete cure …