Using reflex mechanisms for self-treatment is a very good idea. And it can be used for treatment of nearly all diseases. As any irritation is transmitted in our body in the form of nerve (electrical) impulses, it should be possible to make a universal “electrical” pill, why not? That is what Alexander Karasev was thinking about in 1972…
“I have been in the healing arts for over 30 years and feel the SCENAR can be helpful to many people of America - not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. I have treated over 50 people in the past 2 months with the 705. The results have been good. Now I have some patients interested in SCENAR.”
Female, 75 yrs old.
She has many allergies. (Some other long standing chronic conditions including arthritis, chronic asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, excessive curvature of the spine and undiagnosed depression to name but a few!)
This had occurred when she awoke on the morning of July 13th 2004, the window had been left open and the pollen count very high, but a particular flower had bloomed over night, that is the only thing she can think of to have caused this allergic reaction