Using reflex mechanisms for self-treatment is a very good idea. And it can be used for treatment of nearly all diseases. As any irritation is transmitted in our body in the form of nerve (electrical) impulses, it should be possible to make a universal “electrical” pill, why not? That is what Alexander Karasev was thinking about in 1972…
“I can’t imagine being a vet without my 735v5Ag. The results are always excellent and many horses have benefited from SCENAR to the point of saving them from expensive lameness investigations and surgery or speeding up their recovery from injury and getting them back into competition sooner and with a reduced risk of repeating their injuries. On a number of occasions, horses that other vets had recommended to be shot have returned to full work at the highest levels. Thank you Alexander Karasev!”
Case history # 8 Pain in the abdomen, diarrhea
Patient: Female, 9 yrs old.
Complaints: pains in the abdomen, diarrhea during a week.
Past medical history: the condition developed acutely. Without any reason the girl began to have liquid stool 3-4 times a day, without pathological mix. Three days later the patient had cramp-like abdominal pains and low-grade fever. After three more days the patient was taken to our centre. …