Using reflex mechanisms for self-treatment is a very good idea. And it can be used for treatment of nearly all diseases. As any irritation is transmitted in our body in the form of nerve (electrical) impulses, it should be possible to make a universal “electrical” pill, why not? That is what Alexander Karasev was thinking about in 1972…
“The most obvious effects of SCENAR manifest in urgent and intensive-care cases (any injuries and their complications and after-effects, vascular damages, bleeding, stroke, infarction, burn, frostbite, poisoning, severe pain, etc.). No matter how severe the condition of the body is, the first thing you can do to help the patient is placing the SCENAR on the aching or problem area. After that you can start thinking what you should do next. SCENAR is one of the essentials which should be used by the doctor to timely and effectively help the patient. The sooner you apply SCENAR, the more effective will be its action.
SCENAR is not a universal remedy for all diseases. But it can be a wonderful tool in the hands of a good doctor, in addition to his knowledge, experience and professional skills.”
Sergey Aleshin, Centre of intensive recovery of health “SCENAR+”, Rostov-on-Don, Russia